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Trail in Woods

How to Connect with Nature

On this page, you will find a variety of suggestions for different ways to connect with nature, both indoors and outdoors. 

Indoor Nature Activities

  1. Listen to a nature meditation.

  2. Listen to nature sounds and take 10 deep breaths.

  3. Find a window and connect with the outdoor world through activities such as:

    • Looking for 5 different aspects of nature;

    • Noticing the weather;

    • Looking for cloud sculptures; or

    • Looking for animals.

  4. Look out a window and notice how far you can see, and how that changes day-to-day. Imagine you are an eagle soaring through the sky - where would you go? What do you think would catch you eye?

  5. Read a book that connects you with land and nature.

  6. Look at pictures of plants or animals. Imagine you are with them. What would you say to them?

  7. Care for an indoor plant. Take time every day to see what it needs and how it is growing. Perhaps even give it a name!

  8. If you are exercising indoors, position yourself so you can see nature through paintings or images. 

  9. Keep a nature journal.

  10. Make nature art, whether it is writing, drawing, singing, dancing, or music.

  11. Sit and listen to a nature meditation from the list below.


Outdoor Nature Activities

  1. Unstructured play or wander outdoors.

  2. Sit outside, feel the air on your cheeks, and smile!

  3. Taken a 10 minute walk outdoors. Try and touch at least 3 different plants on your walk.

  4. Put your hands on the ground and feel the Earth.

  5. Go outside and use each of your 5 senses to experience nature:

    • Reflect on 5 things seen in nature.​

    • Reflect on 4 textures felt in nature.

    • Reflect on 3 sounds heard in nature. 

    • Reflect on 2 smells experienced in nature.

    • Reflect on 1 air tasted in nature. 

Natural Steaming Mud_edited.jpg

Nature Meditations

Noojimo Partnership Meditation

A 13 minute Indigenous meditation with music led by Standing Strong Bear (Bill Hill). Standing Strong Bear is a local Mohawk Healer and CEO of Noojimo Health. 

Forest Meditation

A 10 minute meditation that includes peaceful forest sounds. 

Mountain Meditation

This 8 minute mountain meditation includes guided imagery. 

Forest Meditation

A 20 minute calming and relaxing guided forest walk meditation.

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Relaxation Films


North America

The Sky




Forest America/
Turtle Island




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